Under the trees
It’s hard to imagine a more tranquil peaceful place for a wedding than under the sheltering trees of Pukaha National Wildlife Centre.
Pukaha National Wildlife Centre can now offer its magnificent bush setting and facilities for weddings of up to 60 people. A scenic two-hour drive from Wellington (30 minutes-drive from Masterton) the centre’s hectares of native bush are a sanctuary for rare birdlife including kiwi, kokako and takahe. Now, you and your closest friends and family can hold your wedding ceremony in the spectacular grove of towering redwoods surrounded by native forest and bird song. Afterwards the Huia Room – just a short walk away – is available for your reception.
Everything has been designed to make getting married here easy for you as bride and groom. Available packages have been curated with care to include almost everything you would need for a wedding, including one of the Wairarapa’s most respected celebrants, a top wedding photographer, flowers, hair and makeup, wedding co-ordination and security, plus catering and table settings. Accommodation is available nearby at elegant and characterful Mount Bruce Lodge.
Not only does this offer a uniquely beautiful setting for your special day, but you will be contributing to Pukaha’s vital work in conservation. Proceeds from your wedding fee will go towards the wildlife centre’s work in restoring the native bush and conserving native wildlife, including the hatching and raising of chicks for release in reserves around New Zealand.
For more information, see www.pukaha.org.nz/weddings